I have received about ten complements from various people today, most being from students. I have gotten the:
"You look nice"
"I like your shoes"
"Those leg warmers are cool"
"Nice Outfit.."
and "You look pretty today"
I greatly appreciate these complements. But what I don't understand, I may never will, is that how do the clothes that I am wearing affect my beauty. Why do the clothes you wear, or don't wear, change the natural beauty that everyone is born with.
Occasionally, I walk into school in baggy sweats, a white T, and sneakers. Keeping my hair down and no make-up on my face. I get no complements from anyone saying that...I look pretty today.
There are many websites, stores, and blogs that put materialistic things on pedestals. They insert the false fact into a persons head that without these things they aren't as good, and aren't as pretty.
A friend of mine has been keeping up with some blogs like this, the one she follows the most is Cherry Blossom Girl. Even though I enjoy reading her blog and think that that pictures she take are beautiful, her blog has that superficial vibe that I am talking about. That you can't have beauty without the right accessories.
Similar blogs are:
Knock Out Niki Presents
And just because I don't understand what the words are saying, doesn't mean that I can't understand what the blog is saying. Clothes are beauty. Well, I think that beauty is beauty and I wish that more people could see it that way too.
I am going to wear sweats tomorrow and see if anyone says anything...
Interesting post. I am Nicole from Knockout Niki and I think using the word superficial to describe me or any of these women [and their respecive blogs] is a little, to be blunt, out of line. Fashion, whether you know your style or not, is about putting pieces together that make you feel good - and if that includes great accessories, then so be it. Alix (Cherry Blossom Girl) is a good example of this. She is a simple girl with simple tastes; and hence her outfits are simple.
I, on the onther hand, own a lot of thrifted outfits that are from all over the fashion spectrum. So, for me, accessories (belts, neclaces, rings, shoes, etc) tie all those pieces together to get some sort of cohesivness.
And when you used the word superficial, defined as "shallow, lacking substance" [thanks google], I kind of got offended. Everyone is different. That is what this blogoshpere so great - especially the fashion sector. Interests, styles, and knowledge about fashion are going to vary from blog to blog, person to person - and rightly should. Classifing someone or someone's blog as "superficial" without knowing their history is kind of rude.
I take a lot of pride in my blog, my style, my life [as if you couldn't tell by now] and I think you should look a little deeper into people and their blogs before you make general asumptions.
And you know what? I just read your post again [this time all the way through] and realized one thing: you're right. But don't get on your high horse just yet.
You're right in one respect: clothes and accessories don't make a person what they are or show how beautiful of a person they are.
What makes a person beautiful is their acceptence and understanding of others - whether you have just met them or have known them for years. I don't know anything about and you, surely, you don't know anything about me. You have no idea why I love fashion, thrifting, knitting, sewing, Rockabilly bands, tattoos, french bulldogs, Guitar Hero, or hot air ballons. You have no idea because you have no concern about reading deeper into my life [easily done by looking into my past posts]. You have no idea and therefore shouldn't make assumptions.
And in turn, I don't know what has gone on in you're life that makes you go around calling people you don't even know superficial, or why you care that people don't tell you look nice in sweats, or why you think we don't consider everyone beautiful. I don't know why, but right now, I don't care.
I hope that one day you will meet one of us and see what we are really like. Most of us are jeans and boyfriend's t-shirt girls 80% of the time. We hang at home with people we care about most and blog about things that interest us - and we can do it with bashing other people.
Like you're elders have always said - do unto others as you would have done unto you. Be nice.
way to piss some people off,
guess that means you don't want to take a photo shoot this weekend with me...
hahaha seriously though, wanna?
it'll be funnnnn.
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